Hi it’s Chloe again! I’m so happy to be in Tallinn, Estonia and blogging for ice-dance.com! It’s Wednesday night and we got here Tuesday afternoon, so I have a lot to tell you.

When we arrived in Estonia, we took a bus to the hotel and checked in. After getting into our rooms, Logan, Greg, and I went out to explore the old town which is absolutely stunning!!! After wandering for quite a while we went to the mall that is across the street from our hotel. It’s actually one of the best malls I’ve ever been in, and it has a great grocery store so we got some food for our rooms. After, we came back to the hotel and had a team meeting, then went to sleep! I was so tired I was out like a light.

Luckily, I woke up only once in the night for a few minutes and then again in the morning for practice when my alarm went off… but I fell back asleep. I had set an alarm for when I needed to head down for the bus because that’s when I woke up! I scrambled out of bed and somehow did my hair decently, did my winged eyeliner, got dressed, collected all my things for the day, AND made the bus. All within 15 minutes! It wasn’t ideal but I am proud of myself for getting ready so quickly. 

I love the arena! It’s only a few years old so it’s very clean and nice. Our first practice was in the practice rink, and it went well. Although it’s a little cold, the ice is nice. While I was getting back into regular clothes after practice, the power went out! We were in the second group, so there were teams waiting for their practice in the dark. No one knew when the power would come back on, and it happened to be the entire region, not just the ice rink. We had the draw in the dark, and maybe a candle lit draw just wasn’t for me because I drew first! After the draw the power was still out, and we didn’t know what was happening so we just took the bus back to the hotel. When the power came on, the practice schedule remained the same so we went back a little later for our second practice. This practice was in the main rink, which is beautiful and very big! It was a good practice and we skated well, but we also collided with another team and it knocked the wind out of me. Despite that happening right before our competition run through, it went well.

After practice we went back to the hotel, and it was only 1 pm! I wanted to spend the rest of the day exploring Tallinn and maybe doing homework and relaxing, but I fell asleep for a 30 minute nap and next thing I know it’s 5pm! Luckily, our practicetomorrow  isn’t early so I still had some time but I just went to the grocery store with Logan to pick up some things, and came back to eat. We were planning on going out after dinner for a little walk but I ended up playing cards with some of Team USA and Team Canada. It was a lot of fun, so despite missing out on my free time by sleeping, it ended up being a nice night. Now here I am in bed, and I’ll probably do a bit of homework before going to sleep and hopefully waking up to my alarm!

Goodnight everyone, thanks for reading.

With love from Estonia! ?? 

~ Chloe